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Should the waterproof box be transparent or opaque?

Article provenance:未知 Popularity:Publication time:2018-12-03 14:31

When we choose a waterproof plastic box, there are often difficulties in selection. Should the waterproof junction box be transparent or opaque? In response to this problem, in fact, mainly depends on customer needs, some products must be transparent cover, and some can not be used, let's make a simple analysis of the waterproof junction box is to choose transparent or opaque?

1. Is the transparent cover or opaque based on the aesthetics? The transparent cover box looks a lot more beautiful, especially if the interior has a light.

2. Is the transparent cover or opaque based on the price of the product? For products of the same specifications, the price of the transparent cover will be more expensive, so if it is not necessary to use a transparent cover, try to use a conventional waterproof case for cost savings.

3. Choose transparent cover or opaque cover according to the application of the product. For example, there are customer purchase button boxes and instrument boxes. These products may need to look at the digital display of the internal instrument. If it is opaque, it will not be visible.

Key words:Should,the,waterproof,box,tran