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Industrial plug and socket selection: only buy the right, do not buy expensive

Article provenance:未知 Popularity:Publication time:2018-12-03 14:31

Every time the pro will have the best material, I want the best material. To be honest, I am very pleased, thank you for your trust, good material, safe performance, and the price will be slightly higher. We will also ask where the customer is used, what is the environment and what is the requirement? Each project is different, the dealers are different, the agents are different, the end customers are different, the material requirements will be different, and the natural budget will be different. If you are the most expensive, it is best. Wouldn't it make you decide that we sell because of the high price, not the most expensive one is the best for you, we only buy the right one, don't buy the expensive one, it is best for you.

Let us first talk about the use of industrial plugs and sockets, in order to make it easier for you to choose the most needed industrial plugs and sockets.

Because the industrial workshop environment is complex, there are complicated factors such as dust, water and collision. Standard industrial outlets should be waterproof, fire resistant, and collision resistant.

Enclosure: The waterproof plug and socket series are made of imported high-quality plastic (nylon). Under normal use, it can reach 90°C without deformation, and the technical index of -40°C does not change.

Plastic core parts: waterproof plugs and sockets are made of fireproof plastic (nylon). It can withstand temperature of 120 °C under normal environmental conditions. In the flame retardant test (burning wire at 850 °C), there is no visible flame, no continuous glow, and the paper does not ignite. The flame is extinguished within 30 seconds after the glow wire is removed, and the glow is extinguished.

Industrial plug and socket protection grades are generally divided into: IP44, IP55, IP67

IP44: It can prevent the water spray in all directions and the danger of solids above 1mmm. The common industries include automatic production equipment, packaging equipment, injection molding machines, stage lighting and sound, construction machinery, generator sets, power distribution cabinets, etc.

IP55: Prevents damage from low-pressure water jets and dust from all directions. Commonly used industries are: car cleaning equipment, spraying equipment and so on.

IP67: It can prevent immersion below 15cm (soaking time 30 minutes) and completely prevent dust from being affected. Commonly used industries are: mining machinery, outdoor sports field transmission and distribution equipment and so on.

After saying this, will you feel that I am embarrassed? Haha, in fact, I am the one who loves to recite.

Let's talk about how to calculate the power according to the motor power, voltage = voltage * current. For example, you need a plug of 3 hearts and 16A, and its motor power: 220 (voltage) * 16 (current) = 3520W. If you don't know why the voltage is 220V, please refer to the technical parameters of the industrial plug and socket selection, which is described in detail.

Secondly, we choose industrial plugs and sockets according to the requirements of the customer's environment, as well as the quality requirements. In the previous chapters, we have introduced the materials of industrial plugs and sockets.

Finally, let's say that each material is the most favored by which dealers, which customers are the first choice! Haha, don't love me too much.

Key words:Industrial,plug,and,socket,sel